Sunday, 28 July 2013

The English Society

Little did I know that you would amount,
To a sickening social network account,
Of inane tos and fros, labels, designs,
Make-up and dress-up philosophical crimes,
Soft focus photos who seek for a beau,
Or false bravado so aching to sow,
The hollowest of hollow, no depth to sin,
The emptiest vessel promoting within,
You do not like this and you do like that,
Destined for refinement as a bureaucrat,
Retarding the century to fit your ends,
Tapping the key which lies about friends,
Associate yourself within your plans,
To climb the ladder your ambition spans,
Aspire to the same postcode as your mother,
I-Phone in one hand, dogshit in the other,
While Rochester allows me to be profane,
Say every stupid cunt to me looks the same,
The smiles wouldn’t make me feel so sick,
The haircut wouldn’t say that you’re such a prick,
If only you had something other to say,
Than what someone better said yesterday,
Work charity hour to furnish CV,
It will pay you back dividends, ultimately,
While the red brick walls that saved my sight,
House this shower of shallowest shite,
Who seek no truth that exists outwith,
But exist to assist in creation of myth,
That the greatest minds of a generation,
Are found in the institutions of nation,
Which strive to educate in more than show,
While straining under each financial blow,
Within six-hour contact time each week,
Attempts in vain to draw each to speak,
Of matters other than the colour of hair,
Or reality telly, or what they wear,
Or the latest shit music on their phone,
Or the cocktails they’ll have when they get home.

Little did I know that you would amount,
To a sickening social network account,
Whose shiny face will last but a day,
Till another pretty uploads them away,
With self-involved conceit just like the last,
And just when I thought the gag-reflex passed,
The to-ing and fro-ing all starts again,
More shiny little fuckwits, pretend, pretend,
To have an interest outside of themselves,
Or the rags on racks or bags on the shelves,
I have never laid claim to grace or piety,
But Lord how I pray for The English Society.

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