Sunday, 15 September 2013

On the Back of a Crumpled Receipt in the Car

He got to hang out with the big boys for a while,
Until he realised how little they were,
And went back to being alone.

Camouflaged twig under a forest stile,
Sheltered from the weather,
Carbon matter on loan.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Suicide Note

(Confessional Poem III - The Goodbye Note)

Thank-you and I’m sorry lie hand-in-hand
On the grubby towel damp from the land
And if heaven’s a pawn shop in the sky
Then Hell’s an apology by and by
For grabbing the things I could never afford
And pawning the rest for little reward

Thank-you and I’m sorry sit hand-in-hand
With no towel now, alone in the sand
And if heaven is open, then Hell should be shut
If only that feeling were not in our gut
That it’s likely to be the other way round
With heaven up there - Hell here on the ground

Thank-you and I’m sorry will never suffice
To pay you back the extortionate price
I bled from you, year on year
By trading my faulty, emotional gear

Thank-you, I’m sorry, is all I've got left
I’m sorry that now I leave you bereft
To pay back my debts from your own account
For the nothing, we knew, to which I’d amount
Thank-you and I'm sorry, for letting you down.


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

nosey bob

I like to stroll down wood lane towards neston
Where I’m sure to run into old bob
Who’s not a knock in the arse off ninety now
Who could knock you on your arse with a terrible frown

He could tell you about trapping wild birds there
And the country before there was town
He could tell you about tides in the middle of June
He was born in ’25

When I leave old bob I turn around
And he raises his stick from the ground
From the ground
Keep going son he breathes to me
And my heart races
And I never have felt so proud

Keep going yourself old bob I think
Keep swearing to me and
Keep walking the lane
Talk to me on Sunday
When I’ll be there alone
And we’ll cut that new stick
Two men on a lane